Do you want to sell your painting?
We are always looking for high-quality works that would complement our collection. Roughly speaking, it concerns paintings from the 17th century, to approximately the 3rd quarter of the 20th century.
Within this period we are mainly interested in high-quality works from the; Golden Age, Dutch Romantic School, French Impressionist School, The Hague School, Amsterdam School, Impressionist School, Pointillist School, Laren School, Bergen School, Groninger Ploeg.
Contemporary artist representing magical realism (or with a close connection to it) can get in touch via the link below.
How does it work?
Your offer is first assessed via the photos and information sent via the link below (do not just take a painting with you to the gallery without prior contact via mail!).
When offering, make sure that all information is entered as accurately as possible and do not forget to mention the asking price. Your offer cannot be assessed without the asking price.
Sometimes, when many works are offered at the same time, I can take some time for us to answer you mail, but we aim to answer within one week.
Do you want to offer your work of art?
Click here and please provide all requested information!
Are you a contemporary artist?
Contemporary representatives of Magical Realism who are looking to work together, or (eventually) looking for representation can submit a request for via the link below. We are always looking for the best representatives of contemporary magical realism, and all sub-styles that are associated with it.
Contemporary artist?
Click here and please provide all requested information!